【アメリカ・ダイアログ多摩Vol.11】 12/11 Sun. 開催
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Helena Malnic Lopes
Helena was born in São Paulo, Brazil and moved to Miami, Florida in the United States at the age of three. Like many Americans, Helena grew up with strong ties to her native country and its culture alongside her identity as an American. Her family was very active in the Latin community in South Florida and she developed a strong interest in foreign cultures and languages. Helena studied both International Relations and English: Editing, Writing & Media at university in Florida. She developed interests in international human rights and world cultures throughout her college career, volunteering with the human rights organization Amnesty International and grant writing for the Florida-based non-profit, Brazilian Voices. After university, Helena worked at the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, gaining professional experience at an international non-profit. Helena always had interest and strength in teaching, which she is currently gaining professional experience with as an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan. Helena has an uncompromising commitment to and passion for cultural exchange, human rights, education, and communication, and hopes to continue her career working with these passions in international contexts.
開催日 2016年12月11日(日)
時間 12:30~15:00(12:00開場)
会場 NPO法人 Knox English Network
多摩市一ノ宮4-1-31 チェリーヒルズ203号
京王線聖蹟桜ヶ丘駅西口より徒歩5分 (川崎海道沿い)
Tel:042-400-7205 email: info@knoxenglish.com http//www.knoxenglish.com/
主催 NPO法人Knox English Network
共催 在日アメリカ大使館
協力 中央大学
-- 定員30名 高校生以上大学院生まで 参加費無料
-- アメリカ文化に興味ある人、留学に興味がある人、英語を話したい人、英語の勉強を頑張りたい人など
-- America Dialogue Tamaは、英語を聞いたり話したりする場所を、無料で提供することも目的の一つとしています。最初は英語が全部わからないのは当然、シャイにならず積極的に英語の中に飛び込んでみてください!
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Tel:042-400-7205 email: info@knoxenglish.com
*1 http://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2015/demo/p25-1143.pdf より引用